Friday, 10 September 2010

One day closer to healthy! :)

Today is beautiful.  I am sitting here while my boy naps and it is very sunny out.  The clouds look like cotton balls against a beautiful blue sky.

I have just finished downloading my insulin pump once again.  As silly as it is, when I put the effort into making the adjustments needed to getting my blood sugars to where they should be, I find myself getting excited to see the graphs each time I download.  Because, I know I am on my way to being healthier.  I may have only started to once again dedicate myself  to this four days ago, but already I am seeing results!

I think about the fact that I have come such a long way in the soon-to-be 24 years that I have had Diabetes.  Being on the insulin pump was probably the best thing I have ever done for myself.  Going from 4 to 6 needles a day to one every 3 to 4 days is wonderful.  You still have to put the work into it, although, there are less holes in me now! ;)

My adjustments yesterday seem to have caused my post meal blood sugars to be a little on the higher side today, therefore causing me to have a bit of fatigue.  So, I will go for now - I thought that I would get a little more written, but it seems that my body is telling me to rest while the boy is down.  Perhaps another day I can explain a little more about the adjustments I am making so I will feel much better.  But, like I said, I know this is just a minor setback and I am on my way.

I am determined to get things in order so that we may have our wish.....Hope.

Take care,

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