Monday, 15 November 2010

Today is the day....blood work results!

It's a sunny morning here, and the leaves are blowing across the grass.  The squirrels are going crazy trying to gather up their food for the Winter.  I am happy to say, no snow...yet.

I have my appointment today with my insulin pump nurse.  I will find out the results to my blood work and my latest HbA1C.  I am hoping that it has dropped some since my last one of 8.2%.  I am not sure what to expect really, as I feel that I worked diligently between September and October, but then slacked off a little for the remainder of the time.  But, I am hoping that with all the adjustments of my pump that I did early on will have some affect on my latest HbA1C.  I will take a guess for now - and say that I will be happy if I got it down to at least 7%.  That will be a big improvement, and a number that is realistic, so that I am not disappointed in my efforts.

As for the baby feelings lately - I find myself exploring adoption sites, egg donor sites.  I suppose I am dipping my feet in the water, so to speak, just in case my future veers down one of these paths.  I believe it is a good thing, to educate yourself.  But, I do find myself still on the emotional roller coaster ride, constantly.  The feelings lately are not so harsh, I suppose, as I am beginning to accept that this may just be my fate.  Maybe I am only supposed to have one child.  But, I am so grateful for him.  I do wish though, that I could give him a sibling.  So, my quest will continue....for answers, for everything.  Hope & Faith.  It's what I must have.  Everything will happen in it's own time....not my time.

I had a great day yesterday.  I celebrated World Diabetes Day by wearing blue attire.  I then did the and then, at 3pm Eastern, I attended the online JDRF presentation.  So, I feel good that I had my own World Diabetes Day, and knowing the fact that there were others out there doing it with me.  I met some nice folks during the online presentation and was reminded that I am not alone in this.

It's the middle of November!  Last night we went for a family drive to look for Christmas lights.  I cannot believe that yet another year has gone by, well, just about.  Before you know it, it will be 2011!  It's hard to believe how time flies, especially when you see how fast the little one is growing.

Have a great day!

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